Ecobee Thermostats
A Star Air Conditioning proudly offers and installs energy-efficient thermostats including Ecobee thermostats. These user-friendly programmable thermostats help you save money by cooling and heating your homes or business more efficiently.The commercial Ecobee model EMS is made specifically for commercial buildings and allows remote connection and troubleshooting.
What are the benefits of Programmable thermostats like Ecobee?
They increase comfort and by using an additional remote sensor and can control the temperature more accurately. These products work by automatically adjusting the indoor temperature to a comfortable level when people are home, and allowing the temperature to rise or fall while the home is vacant. This responsible use of energy means that customers do not have to worry about adjusting their thermostats before they leave for work. These “smart” thermostats will then change the indoor temperature to a preset level by the time that people return from work. Investments in these types of thermostats more than pay for themselves over time, as consumers realize savings on their energy bills month after month.
If you want to save money on your energy bills, call A Star Air Conditioning at (954) 761-2600 to learn more about the products and services our company offers to make your home more efficient.